The Weekly Dump 12.27.19

Adios 2019!

This hasn’t exactly been the best year for Santa Cruz. We’re in the process of recalling two city council members for basically bad behavior and failure to do their jobs. We had to suffer through a city sanctioned drug camp that people died in. We still have nimrods for a city manager and a police chief. It’s been a struggle this year. But I feel like we’re starting to turn a corner. I’m kind of optimistic in Justin Cummings (and Donna Meyers) being able to lead us from the swamp cesspool of our current city hall situation. I’m optimistic things will change in March, for the better, and we can all move on from this narcissistic nightmare. The best thing you do to change the present is vote for change. The fat lady is singing. Vote Yes on the recall.

Of course, we love to celebrate the end of the new year downtown at the clock tower and this year will be no different. We might have our differences here, but one thing we can all agree on is we like a good party downtown.

Chico and The Man

Sunday night around 9PM, SCPD responded to the area of West Cliff Drive and Chico after getting reports of gunfire. When they arrived, they found a victim suffering from a gun shot wound. The victim was uncooperative with investigators and nobody was arrested. The victim was taken to Dominican for his injuries.

The Grinch Passed Through Santa Cruz Early Christmas Morning

Very early Christmas morning, a pair of local businesses were burglarized while the community was sleeping. The first commercial burglary occurred around 1:30AM on the 800 block of Ocean Street. The second occurred around 3AM on the 400 block of Water Street. No suspects have been arrested in either case. Condolences to the victims.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving!

Christmas Eve around 5PM, SCPD responded to a report of domestic violence on the 100 block of Blaine Street. There they arrested a 27 year old male for domestic violence, violating a restraining order, vandalism, trying to dissuade a victim witness, he had an outside warrant, an outstanding local bench warrant, and of course……..he was in violation of his probation! County probation. The gift that keeps on giving us guys like this as gifts to put under our Christmas tree for the holidays. Last check he’s still in county jail where he celebrated his Christmas with 3 hots and a cot.

Churning Out Junkies in Santa Cruz

Monday night around 5PM, SCPD responded to the 1300 block of Ocean Street where they arrested a 22 year old female for drug possession, public intoxication, theft, trespassing, and of course for violating her probation. She’s 22 years old and she’s been arrested 6 times in the past 6 months, 3 times in the past week. We coddle people into a life of crime here. This young lady is well on her way.

Local PTA Meeting Keeps the Turnstile in Motion

Last Thursday night around midnight, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 50 year old woman near the corner of Soquel and Robertson on drug possession charges, as well as for violating and revoking her probation. She was re-arrested with a $10K bond but our Sheriff apparently thinks she’s fine to be let out on her on recognizance yet again. “PTA”. She’s a serial recidivist we’ve been coddling for years. Arrested 10 times since 2013.

Twice the Trouble!

Wednesday morning around 11:30AM, SCPD received a report of a robbery near the corner of Laurel and Chestnut. The victim followed the suspects as they left the area in a black jeep and was able to give SCPD directions to the suspect’s vehicle. SCPD stopped the jeep at gunpoint at Front and Laurel. Two men were detained. The victim was uncooperative with SCPD. The fun part is both men were not just brothers, they were twins! The 19 year old men were both arrested. Both were charged with robbery, participating in a criminal street gang, and drug possession. One bailed out on a $50K bond, the other sits in jail on a $50K bond. Maybe mom likes one better.

 Bring Out the Bearcat

Monday afternoon, SCPD tried to serve a search warrant at a residence on the 300 block of Pennsylvania Avenue after investigators were told one of the residents had access to an assault rifle. Police shut down Pennsylvania between Soquel and Broadway as a precaution, and during the search, the police department’s tactical team secured the property to make sure tenants were out of the area. No arrests were made.

The County Fails Another Domestic Abuse Victim

Sunday night around midnight, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 31 year old male on Crow Avenue in Watsonville and charged him with domestic abuse, battery, and making criminal threats. This was after he beat up a female, then beat up a witness trying to protect the victim and threatened another person trying to protect the victim. Think he’s still in jail 4 days later? Of course he’s not. He bailed out already.

Their Hypocrisy is Showing!

Am I the only one tired of all the incessant whine from angry little UCSC kids and local tin foil hat wearing kooks about how the recall is all about “big money real estate developers spending thousands of dollars!!!”? Every time I read this I laugh out loud, mostly at the people saying it but the message itself is such a steaming pile of poo too. And just to point out the obvious. This funny little “No on Recall” clique is ramping up their fundraising efforts, as evidenced by this recent eblast email I got. They want money from me? More laughs.

They want to spend about $40 THOUSAND DOLLARS to fight this? Do as they say not as they do!

What are we spending money on?

Filing fees and ballot statement—$1650.
Two Mailings—$10-$15,000 each
Yard signs—$2000
Campaign walking pieces—$2000
Campaign Coordinator–$2000

So next time you hear someone whining about the recall is all about “big money”, ask them about the $40k they want to spend on fighting it.

As for me. Pro Bono. Here’s one on the house!

Just Take the Skinhead Bowling

Sunday night around midnight, reports came in about some kind of SCPD chase involving a man with a shaved head who failed to yield, resisted arrest, and took off near Melrose and Catalpa. SCPD sent a number of units to try to catch him but apparently he made a Mr. Clean getaway and nobody was arrested.

Yearly Shoutouts and Thanks!

I usually hate these yearly compilation things but I figured I could at least thank a bunch of people who helped make Santa Cruz a better place. I’m not gonna dwell on the negatives here. I do that enough already. This is for the positives. People who made or might be making a difference. I can proudly call lots of these people my friends. I know I’ll forget a bunch of folks and I’m leaving some people off just because they probably would prefer to remain anonymous.

Thank you Big Joe. Your advocacy makes a difference. Thank you Melissa for your tireless efforts at the county level with CHS and the Board of Supervisors and with the city regarding needles polluting our community. Thank you Cruz Needles for all you do regularly! Thank you Sharon for all you do regularly. Thanks to Carol and Dan and everyone at Santa Cruz United who put themselves out there for the sake of the community, and thanks to Jane and David, and all the other signature collectors. You folks are the reason this succeeded. Thanks to the rank and file at SCPD (and the Rangers!), who have an incredibly thankless and difficult job navigating the pointless politics of management as it applies to law enforcement, and thanks to Rick Martinez for being a great cop. Thanks to Santa Cruz Fire Chief Hajduk for having the cojones the city manager and police chief lack. Thanks to Manu for finally giving us a viable option against John Leopold. Thank you Martine Watkins. You were a pretty solid kindergarten teacher this year! Thank you Cynthia Mathews for your years of service to the community. Live long and prosper! Thank you Justin Cummings for being on the fence so often it made you the most powerful guy in city government, whether you know it or not. Don’t vote with the prevailing wind, be the wind! Thank you Donna Meyers for being better than I expected. Thank you Susie O’Hara for your bravery, honesty, and integrity. It’s the city’s loss. Thank you David Terrazas for your sage advice. You’re more effective behind the scene.

Thanks to Dave the Security Guard who regularly comments on the website with his great stories and insight. Thanks to Peter, the King of NextDoor, and thanks to Matthew, one of my favorite drinking buddies and the keeper of the Orange Cookie. And all of the Civic Tuesday Crew. Thanks to Deb, the Queen of Santa Cruz Neighbors. Thanks to all the SCPD volunteers. Thanks to Brent for all you do to help the local homeless. Thanks to Steve P for all you do to help the local homeless. Thanks to Mark Primack and Stephen Kessler for being a good read (keeping the Senile relevant). Thanks to Paul Martin, Santa Cruz’s one man graffiti abatement wrecking crew! Thanks to Ron for picking up the trash and being the hardest working man in Santa Cruz. Thanks to Paige and Damon, two of the finest people I know in Santa Cruz who work tirelessly to better our town. And thanks to Ma Boo, who keeps me grounded and sane in this crazy dumpster fire of a town full of trigger happy people. And huge thanks and shoutouts to you, all my readers. You keep me going. I sure as hell don’t do it for the money or the fame and glory. Onward to 2020! I guarantee one thing. It won’t be boring.

The Weekly Seen

And this is why I would never park my car on Pacific Avenue.

Stop the Needle Madness in Santa Cruz!

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign and share this! If you signed the previous petition for this, please sign again as this involves a new application. Thanks!

Support the Recall Effort!

The recall effort was successful at getting to the ballot but the real work has begun to see this effort to the finish line. Please consider a donation to Santa Cruz United, the group that worked to organize the recall effort. I support their efforts as a group, and I pledge to provide my services pro bono to the recall effort. If we all step up, we will finish this effort successfully and bring function back to a completely dysfunctional city hall. Thanks!

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

Celebration – Kool and the Gang

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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Be sure to check out and follow our Twitter feed for even more mierda! Even though the Dump only comes your way once a week, I try to post breaking news and updates on other days as well. So check us out and follow us on Twitter for even more updates about real time news in Santa Cruz you might not otherwise hear about.

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  1. Thanks, Ben, you’ve done a great job this year with such disappointing material. We wouldn’t know a fraction of the goings on if you hadn’t stepped up and continued to research and write. Wishing you and all the best of the seasons and a great 2020. Maybe things will get better.

  2. Hi Ben, I wrote you yesterday that the big news of this week is that Trump and Ben Carson at HUD are forming plans to come in and sweep the drug addicted homeless into Federal detention centers to cure there drug addiction. WHY is this not an excellent idea? Why do you not even mention in your podcast this week?

    It gets the drug-addicted homeless off the streets and helps solve their drug addiction problem? Are you against the whole concept of somebody stepping up and actually doing something about the problem? Or do you just not like Trump and anything that has to do with him?

    I know you schooled me sometime ago, for trying to bring National politics into the local situation, but I don’t see how you can reasonably stand by that argument anymore. Please explain Ben? Trump is getting ready to launch himself into into Santa Cruz politics and for one I’m all for it.

    • I’m following it closely. Just not ready to talk about it yet. But thanks for the tip! Thanks for reading and commenting so often and have a safe and happy new year!

      • HUD Sec. Ben Carson keeps talking about it with another mention on 12/29. He is emphasizing how it is a state responsibility however and it appears he and Trump are putting pressure on Newsom to solve the problem. Since this is such a excellent vehicle to attack speaker Pelosi, I expect more in the New Year.

        So compose your thoughts Ben, as they’re likely to suggest using emergency federal powers to come in and get the people [that Dave writes about all the time] off the street and into treatment.

  3. Darius Mohsenin

    Great list of community gems, Ben! I’m impressed I know of all of them (except Sharon)! But is it too late to edit your latest edition to include Pal Martin, the one man graffiti abatement guy?

  4. It’s gettn cold, Mother Nature’s keepn the scum bags on ice :). Its because there not high or too high or coming down that these addicts act out and do what they do and since Santa Cruz is where people come JUST TO DO DRUGS/GET DRUGS these things will keep happening. The shootings are mainly the cause of drug dealers/gang members that keep the cycle/drugs going. That’s why I know 99% of the “ people “ I’ll come into contact with will only do so much they know what they can and cannot get arrested for- killing,robbing a bank or setting something big on fire. They can do anything else and they know it.

    I’m sure Ben doesn’t do this for recognition but cause he cares about people, so I hope then IF and WHEN SC starts to clean itself up the Ben gets the recognition he deserves. Since the break in lately and locally I’ve noticed more PD patrols and more security patrols. To bad they can cut it off at the source. But that’s why we are here to at least talk about what’s going on. The usual Moto when I think about SC and it’s main problem is ANY FOWARD PROGRESS PLEASE!!! cause man it STINKS HERE!!!

    So the government is going to step in…. I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m an optimist as well. Maybe 2020 will give SC a clear view to change for a better future. Thanks for the shout out in so saturated in the negative black hole of downtown SC sometimes I forget what I do regular respectable people appreciate it the scum bags that don’t like what I do. That pic with the car window smashed should be made into a poster/T-shirt.


    • Thanks Dave for what you do and your commentary here. I don’t think most would have realized how creepy downtown is afterdark and ine shadows….Happy New Year. Stay safe out there.

  5. As usual, “The Weekly Seen” says it all.

  6. Thank you Ben, and I for one can’t wait for 2020, especially Mar 3, 2020. Usually there is some nostalgia for the year coming to an end, not this time. Bring it (and Spring too while we’re at it). I’ll take the under on the anti-recall raising $40k since they only managed $1500 against the petition drive as I recall (pun there somewhere).

  7. THANK YOU for always telling us how it really is, here in our town !!
    Cheers to a better 2020!!
    I am optimistically hoping we have come to that fork in the road and taken the correct path of great
    Happy New Year to all the people WHO make our community better !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Hi Ben – that Pennsylvania Avenue incident is way bigger than what is being reported. The SWAT team, sheriffs and the Department of Justice were all on scene for hours. They even brought in the SCPD’s mobile command center and set it up across the street. At one point I counted over 20 officers on scene. They broke out the front window of one of the apartments and made entry but there was no one there. They then went on to enter the rest of the units as well as a large motor home that was parked in the back of the complex. People in hazmat suits were seen going into one of the units as well as the motorhome. Later that night two large tow trucks were brought in to pull the RV out into the street and then away to the DOJ lab in Watsonville. Word on our street is that the complex has an out-of-town owner who allows his daughter to live there. Apparently she’s had her own problems with the law and allows her some of her friends to stay there. There has been a lot of activity at the complex that indicates drug sales – people coming and going and others sitting in their parked cars waiting. The whole event – from the time the police first arrived until they left took over 8 hours. As usual, no word from Andy of Crackberry as to what was actually going on.

  9. Should old acquaintance be forgot,
    And never brought to mind?
    Should old acquaintance be forgot,
    And old lang syne?

    For auld lang syne, my dear,
    For auld lang syne,
    We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
    For auld lang syne…
    – Robert Burns
    This literally means “old long since” or implies “for old times’ sake”.
    I would say 2019 sucked the dirt in some ways, but every year is a good year if you were free and did what you wanted in good health. That cup of kindness line doesn’t make sense but who wouldn’t take one of those. I assume you’re supposed to drink the cup of kindness if offered, for old times sake, because someone is dear? Yeah, maybe that’s it.
    Or maybe “cup of kindness” is 80 proof whiskey or tequila?
    Also works for me.
    If you know more lyrics than the above yer showin’ off and you know it. Adios 2019….

  10. Just the Facts

    Once again the “pro Bernie” campaign has been hijacked by the “Krohnies”. If you support Sanders make sure to give at the state or national level, otherwise your money is simply being squandered by these folks. The Cruz4Bernie folks have been misrepresenting the recall for some time, insisting that it is a nation-wide plot to remove progressives from office. If I am getting directed by the NSA, and being funded by the Kochs, I want better pay! But many thanks and a BIG shout-out for all that you do Ben, we locals do truely appreciate it. Happy New Year!

  11. I saw a segment on the PBS nightly news about the death of local papers and local news in many communities. It said that it leads to voter apathy and also corruption since “no one is minding the store”. You weekly report is a service to our community. Thank you.

  12. Somethings wrong with your response portion of your blog on the latest Weekly dump there’s no way to reply is says the site is down or something I’m not tech savvy

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