The Weekly Dump – 2.9.24

Breaking the Sabbatical

Hello! Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anybody home? I know it’s been a couple of years since anyone last heard from me. I hope everyone out there who remembers me is doing well. If you’re still out there anyways.

I haven’t really gone anywhere, been in Santa Cruz this whole time, trying not to get angry at all the daily dysfunctional issues we have to deal with living here. Anyone who lives here knows that challenge well. Taking the last 2 years off, it’s been painfully obvious to me that little has actually changed when it comes to the issues that directly impact people who live in Santa Cruz. When I left, I think the top two issues facing Santa Cruz residents were public safety and homelessness, two very complicated, very intertwined, very macro issues that will never be solved by 7 well intentioned but in over their heads civil servants (the Santa Cruz city council and Mayor Fred). City leaders have shown us time and time again how lousy they are at doing the county’s job. Hell, Justin Cummings is now on the Board of Supervisors and still they (the county) willingly let the city burden their human health services responsibilities. It’s an endless cycle of being set up to fail here. We aren’t just the county seat. We are the county’s ass.

I think more than anything, I had lost my “muse” for writing about it on a weekly basis. It’s not so much that writing is hard, but being inspired to write can be hard. There’s never any shortage of material to write about living in Santa Cruz (as anyone who lives here knows well). I’ve never really considered myself a journalist, or this website to be a news resource. I’m an Op/Ed guy. But I do speak facts in my opinions, and pontificate in real time. After doing it literally EVERY week for 5+ years, I hit a Wall and went comfortably numb.

I worked in my garden more. Smelled the coffee more. Ate lots of slices at Pizza My Heart downtown. When I’d hear an occasional siren, I wouldn’t care! Became much less agitated with people. Yeah, I kind of checked out. I never gave up. I’ve never quit caring about Santa Cruz. I freaking love Santa Cruz. I might get disappointed in the people that run the place, but make no mistake, I love it here. It’s why I’m here. It’s why I’m doing this again. Because I love Santa Cruz, and all the quirkiness and weirdness and inclusiveness and even the human caricature known as Norse (who I haven’t thought of for 2 years until recently!).

So now I’m back to try again. It won’t be the same thing. It will be similar in some ways. I’m still trying to figure some of that out. I’ve been thinking about this. I’d like to be a kinder, nicer version of Larry David. Less cringe but keep the snark.

I’ll probably focus much less attention on the police scanner and the crime du jour, less on the homeless (they’re here! there’s lots of them!) still try to remain relevant on the local politics that effect those of us that live here, and focus on the stuff that makes Santa Cruz quirky, sometimes aggravating, sometimes laughable, unique, respectful, inclusive, friendly, and a fucking great place to live. It will always be my Shangri-La. Warts and all.

Next week back in earnest!



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105 Responses

  1. Myself and others missed your musings. Welcome back! Good for you for taking care of yourself. Please continue to do so. Look forward to getting your latest writings. Thanks!

  2. What a surprise to see the Weekly Dump show up in the email again! Glad you are returning.
    But don’t cut the Snark too much.

  3. #Nod

    So let’s discuss that Larry David thing/comment (and I’m a fan of Larry David, cringes-and-all). Style is style and attitude is attitude. Each person can have their own take on these and more importantly, people can change their style and attitude at-will. No-one has the right to say to you otherwise. So welcome back with a new-new you. Way to go!

    It’s been weird not having you write weekly. I’ve had times when I’ve really wondered what Ben thought about a local issue or an upcoming vote. It’s not that I 100% agreed with you; it’s that you cleverly dissected things into understandable components. I welcome you getting back in the regular writing game; however, please don’t burn out. I once had a daily writing job with 5pm deadlines. It was so stressful and when I stopped and we back into a non writing deadline job, I was so relieved. If you don’t publish weekly – don’t sweat it. We will still be here.

    As I said, welcome back!

    • Thanks Martin! I’m covering the ballot issues and the local candidates next week. I’ll probably focus on the upcoming primaries until that runs it course.

  4. Glad you are back! I’m a born and raised Santa Cruz Local who works in Public Service. I have always appreciated the Weekly Dump! I am extremely “in the know” of all things Santa Cruz and was always impressed about some of the information you had in the past. Keep up the strong work!

  5. Welcome back from your sabbatical! I enjoyed the sarcasm of the past. Hopefully, you won’t deviate too much from that with your new endeavor. Good luck.

  6. Thank you so much for writing again… Santa Cruz seen through your eyes is very important to people (like myself), who do not put into words about this unsettling city. I love this city and have lived here 50 years. The change in many ways has been very difficult…Thanks again.

  7. You were terribly missed and so thankful for your return. I am glad to hear you took time for yourself especially after all had done for all of us.
    Welcome back and so look forward to your return

  8. What great news that you took the time you needed and now you’re back, incorporating the perspectives from your time away. As many others have told you, I missed your weekly reporting of news not seen anywhere else. And your analysis about the city/county and so much more. I hope you won’t feel overly pressured to write every week, but just at your own pace and timing. Welcome back!

    • Thanks Maura! And everyone else for the outpouring of love and support. It’s very much appreciated, and as always thank you all for your time and attention span in a very congested media space looking for everyone’s time and attention.

  9. Thank you for your return. I always looked forward to your weekly report. I still use the coffee Mugs we purchased from you.

  10. Welcome back really missed your point of views and I still wear my Santa Miedra shirt proudly. Looking forward to a new chapter and spin on our new old dysfunctional world. Pura Vida

    • Thanks Mike! If I ever see anyone wearing a Santa Mierda t-shirt in public, I will buy them lunch or a quart of their favorite flavor of Marianne’s ice cream.

    • Hey! We were just talking about you days ago and wondered what happened to you. A break is always a good thing. Glad you’re back.

  11. Hi
    You have been missed I always enjoyed your weekly account I g of our quirky city. Frustrating as it can be, we live it here too. Welcome back.

  12. Welcome back!? But for me it maybe bittersweet…. You mentioned “inclusivity” a few times I hope it doesn’t mean your drinking the kool aid with the alphabet people movement. If so this will be a hello-goodbye. Cause it wasn’t to long ago there was only two Genders and kids were left to be just kids. I can go on.

    Your reporting before was epic to say the least and so to hear it’s not really going to be the same makes me, well not sure really. It’s not like you exposing SC for what I really is made any difference and I really hoped it would. I’m the security Gaurd btw that would comment often.

    The next door app keeps my wife and I up to date and it very in depth. We have moved an hour away and it’s the opposite where we are now. Just shows that places that are run a certain way don’t have the problems places like SC.

    My stepdaughter ended up moving to SC so we get to hear about all the crap and scary stuff she has to go through. Even though she works in Scotts valley the scum from SC has been doing there thing in that town for years now but it just keeps getting worse, so she can’t get away from it. Sucks

    The blotter from our local papers show lots of car theft and bums assaulting people mainly the elderly and lots of car break ins but not in the area my wife and I moved to. Our area gets the occasional home break in. I don’t miss SC my home town is Watsonville where 2 bit thugs are still the norm but at least most of them actually have jobs. But to me they are still scum bags.

    Glad to know your still around and well. I’ll have to see where your going with Meirda this time round.

  13. Glad you are back! Those of us that have been here for many years both appreciate and agree with most of your comments about what is happening here.

  14. Glad you’re back Ben!! been slow to poke my head out too but I’m around, paying attention and trying to not bury my head in the irritants of life in Santa Cruz [ and beyond ].
    Look forward to your opinions and musings.

  15. So happy you are back and that you are ok. You were one of the highlights of my week, so I look forward to it again!
    Welcome !

  16. Come on (come on) now
    I’ve been feelin’… down
    Ben has eased my pain
    Got me
    On my feet again

    Your email made my day. Screw that, my month so far. So glad you’re back!

  17. With Jon Stewart returning to the Daily Show once a week and Santa Mierda returning on a limited basis, I am almost happy again. I can’t wait to read whatever you have to say.

  18. Welcome back! Knew you would eventually have to revive the Dump. There’s lots of stuff to report on since not much makes the news. No change there! LOL. Glad you are back to “inspired” posting!

  19. So glad to see you back! Have missed your clear explanations and takes on important local/and beyond issues. Your style always made me feel like I was walking side by side with you down long, endless paths (not always without debate or arguments, but always with satisfaction and enlightenment when we parted ways!). Hope your sabbatical has left you sufficiently rejuvenated to continue “chewing the news” for a long time to come.

  20. Welcome back. So glad you’re willing to speak your/our truth again. You’ve been an endless source of humorous information as well as inspiration. Happy to have you back.

  21. Now this email made my day. It is wonderful to hear that you are willing to give it a go. I missed your messages,
    humor and refreshing perspective on life living in a troubled paradise. Welcome back. ,

  22. Yay! I missed Santa Mierda. Glad you will return to writing a column. Don’t suppress your inner Larry David! I find myself spending too much time looking at the agendas of City Council meetings but also of Parks & Rec Commission meetings, Library Advisory Commission, etc. and sending emails. I can’t share your enthusiasm for the future of this city. The Planning Dept is out of control.

  23. So excited to see an email from Santa Mierda!
    I missed you and your observations!
    So Glad that you are back but Please keep the same format/topics as before!

  24. Awesome to have you back!!!! Missed the weekly dump and had to rely on Nextdoor to keep up with current local events lol

  25. Thank you for all of your efforts & it sounds like you’ve morphed into a direction you feel more at ease with. I’ve enjoyed your postings, and I’m glad to hear from you. It’s NO easy task, doing what you’re doing & it takes a lot of heart & I appreciate your valiant efforts to keep us aware. You are a gem.

  26. I have missed you and your input and found great pleasure in this newest post. I don’t expect daily or weekly or any other regular interval of posting, but do appreciate your insights and distillations as they occur. I am happy to live here and even happier to know what’s going on around me.

  27. Welcome back I missed you ! My mother and sister still live there and a whole bunch of friends !!! I moved to Lincoln a few years ago but I’m in SC a lot ! It seems to be getting a little better ! But still depresses me when I visit the beautiful town I grew up in ! Keep the faith baby and the awesome reporting !!

  28. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who left me a recent comment on the latest Weekly Dump! I wasn’t sure if anyone stuck around and there you are! Your support and attention span are very much appreciated.

    I’m working on next week’s column and I’ll be covering upcoming election related stuff, offering up my humble opinions on how I plan to vote and why. I hope you’ll stick around and check it out.

  29. Welcome Back!

    Glad to read you were able to get some time to yourself, get focused on what is important in your own personal life and soul.

    Hitting the reset button and getting refocused often helps me a lot as well.

    Looking forward to your new approach and weekly writings!

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