The Weekly Dump 5.15.20

Shark Kills Surfer Near Manressa Beach

Saturday afternoon, a local surfer was killed near Manressa beach in Aptos after being attacked by a Great White shark. The attack happened about 100 yards from the shore, and other surfers flagged down a lifeguard patrolling the area. The 26 year old male victim was bitten in the knee area and his femoral artery was severed by the shark bite. According to witnesses, the victim was surfing with about seven other surfers when he was bitten and knocked off his board. He quickly got back on and began paddling to shore with another surfer. Once they got to shore, they used a surf leash from one of their boards as a tourniquet but couldn’t stop the bleeding in time. He died at the scene. Investigators believe the shark was between 10-15 feet long.

A GoFundMe campaign was set up for the victims family. Sad story and a tragic loss.

Inmate Dies in Santa Cruz County Jail

This past Sunday, a 21 year old inmate was found dead in his jail cell in the county jail. Correctional officers found the man unresponsive in his cell around 6PM. Paramedics administered medical aid but he was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the Sheriff’s Office, the victim did not share a cell and foul play is not suspected. They also reported the victim had no signs of trauma or visible injuries, and that he did not show signs of COVID-19 symptoms. He was in jail after being arrested in January on domestic violence-related charges. Healthy 21 year old men don’t just drop dead in jail usually. This is the 10th inmate to die in Santa Cruz County Jail in the past 8 years. Something’s not right in the county jail.

Getting Out of Jail For Free

Last Saturday afternoon around 4PM, SCPD responded to the 300 block of Front Street where they arrested a 45 year old female for resisting arrest, battery on a peace officer, and being disorderly under the influence of drugs. She’s been arrested 10 times in the past year. Of course she got out of jail for free. That’s how we roll here!

You’ve Been Warned

Sunday afternoon around 1:30PM, SCPD responded to an address on the 300 block of Younglove where they arrested a 31 year old female for robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, and being drunk in public. She’s been arrested 24 times locally since 2014. Look at how she’s changed over the years in her mugshots. She hasn’t aged well at all here. This is the result of six years of coddling and enabling and endless idiot compassion from Santa Cruz judges, DAs, and yes Jim Hart and his dysfunctional crew at the county jail and county probation.

Goss Darn It

Early Wednesday morning, SCPD responded to the area of Goss Avenue for reports of a prowler casing cars and checking door handles (don’t forget to wipe down your door handles!). When they arrived they noticed two men attempting to run away, and after a quick search they found one of the men hiding in a nearby yard. He was on pretrial release for burglary and he was in possession of burglary tools. You know how this story goes. The 32 year old male was arrested for conspiracy to commit a crime, possession of burglary tools, loitering on private property, and fleeing to resist arrest.

Just When You Think Your Friend Got You Off the Hook

This past weekend, a couple of Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies located a car that was possibly stolen parked on Post Street  in Santa Cruz as they were investigating a different case in the area. After contacting several people at a home nearby regarding the car, they made contact with a male who apparently took the car but the car’s owner did not want to press charges. Despite that, he was on parole with search terms, and deputies found two ounces of meth, heroin, a scale and other narcotics paraphernalia. He was taken to jail anyways, and booked for the parole violation, possession of narcotics for sale, possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia.He probably would have walked for nothing but for the felony parole violation, so at least for now he’s still in county jail on a no bail hold.

Try Try Again

If at first you don’t succeed! Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies responded to the Safeway on 41st Avenue for a reported shoplifter in the store. When they made contact with her inside the store, she was in possession of some of the same items deputies recovered from her the day before. She was trying to steal some of the same items again. The amount of recovered stolen property from Safeway was more than $1,000. The property was returned and she was booked into jail where she is being held on $25,000 bail. She’s been arrested 15 times locally since 2016. Fifteen times in four years, and now she’s facing 9 charges including robbery, drug possession, and trying to bring meth into the county jail. We coddle her.

Watsonville Police Crack Burglary Case

Watsonville Police arrested a burglar who was caught on surveillance footage last week squeezing his way through a window just moments before stealing a small amount of cash from a local business. They tracked down a 41 year old Watsonville man and his 30 year old partner in crime hours after an early Tuesday morning commercial burglary on the 300 block of Rodriguez Street. Thanks to surveillance footage showing the suspects’ vehicle and the thief’s ass crack, the couple were pulled over and arrested late Tuesday night. Officers also found most of the stolen money. Both were booked into the county jail for commercial burglary, looting during a state of emergency, and conspiring to commit a felony.

UCSC Will Likely Stay Closed Through the Fall

This past week, A University of California spokesperson told the CBS affiliate in Los Angeles that they do not expect any of their campuses to reopen fully for in-person classes by the fall semester. So very likely UCSC will not reopen for in-person fall classes. How will this effect the local city council elections? Significantly. It basically nullifies the UCSC student vote for the November elections locally. Give me 4 moderates working together to add to Donna, Renee, and Justin moving forward. More from KION.

Santa Cruz County Faces Looming Budget Deficits Due to COVID-19

This past week, The Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a request by the County Administrative Officer to use budgetary reserves to cover an estimated $20 million deficit in this year’s budget at their public meeting on Tuesday. The county is trying to cover estimated revenue losses of at least 20 percent each to property taxes, cannabis business taxes, sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes, which combined make up about 89 percent of the county’s discretionary revenues. Budget projections for next year are even bleaker, when the deficit could grow to more than $40 million dollars. The county has about $56 million in their reserves, which should allow them to cover the expected deficit this year. The supervisors will adopt a final budget by September 15th.

Great Plates For Seniors!

Do you know a senior or are you a senior who could benefit from having meals delivered? Check out “Great Plates”. The Great Plates program helps local restaurants by paying them to bring meals to local eligible seniors who otherwise need help accessing food. Eligibility limits apply (see flyers). To see if you or a loved one are eligible, call (831) 454-4406 or email

Weekly Shoutouts and Thanks!

Shout out to all the fine folks who bought swag this week! We have new face masks available. So say it don’t spray it!

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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Be sure to check out and follow our Twitter feed for even more mierda! Even though the Dump only comes your way once a week, I try to post breaking news and updates on other days as well. So check us out and follow us on Twitter for even more updates about real time news in Santa Cruz you might not otherwise hear about.

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  1. Thanks for pointing out our County Jail had another death. I agree- far too many. I looked at that a while back, and kept coming up with the county’s habitual local oversight dodging through contracted service providers. In the Jail’s case: California Forensic Medical Group. It’s run by an Hedge fund Company, is fir profit, and is the pits.

    If anyone is interested in how these corporations are run, here’s a pretty decent article from The Atlantic. It’s long, but worth the read

    • Thanks Joe. I remember the Grand Jury did a pretty scathing report on the deaths in the jail a while back too.

  2. MuyDeplorable

    If no in-person classes at the U this fall, then indeed this is a golden opportunity to moderate the SC city council. Sadly, that probably means that the U’s recreational facilities will also be closed, a personal bummer.

    • I’m pretty sure the university won’t “shut down” as much as students won’t be living in dorms on campus in the fall. I guess we shall see!

      • Hey Ben, I think that just after u posted this week’s Santa Meirda, that it was announced that all UC campuses are going “vidtual” until further notice from the governor.

        This means – thank God – that here will be NO [read that zero] UCSC students living on campus OR living in Santa Cruz and OR voting in Santa Cruz. Have your dreams come true like mine just did?

        They’ll be “gone”, they will be “history” and these progressively inoculated children will no longer be a pain in the ass.

        • I wonder how local housing and job availability will look as well.
          Or will it even matter after everyone is broke due to the lockdown??

  3. Gloria Coen

    Saw the wharf blocked and many police around the wharf and many policy vehicles. They told me there was someone on the beach with a gun. The police had bullet proof vests and big guns. Strange to me that there has been no news on this. Thought you might know. Thanks.

  4. Gloria Coen

    I am sorry, meat to say this was Thursday around 1:00

  5. RIP Ben. Hope he is kicking that sharks ass !!
    Catch and release, still not working! What does it take??
    Another death of a person in jail. What the heck? I am sure we won’t ever know, we never do.
    Swag is so fun !
    Thanks so much !

  6. I hope as you do 4 moderates (at least open minded people capable of reasoned rational thought, and even a few conservatives forcing a vetting of the ideas for change), able to achieve compromise so actions are consistent only with a pervasive public approval and not rubber stamped ideology , will run for council this fall. Are there 4 such people also with the experience, local insight, knowledge of government operations even out there who want to run the zoo? I sure don’t count Watkins and Brown in that group if they run again. Moderate doesn’t mean you favor 70-100% of the progressive agenda. The progressive agenda is 0% moderate, or open minded.
    Considering Krohn has said he would run again, we are gonna need the campus closed or he may sneak in just like S Brown did in 4’th place. Even if district elections are held in 2022, I suspect only 3 districts (of 6 or 7) will be voted for and those elected this Nov will live on in the council the full 4 years when the other half of the districts come up. Which districts vote first? Got me.
    I know I’m not a fan of the council, but Donna and Justin are moderates? Compared to the recently departed perhaps, but not my much.

  7. MuyDeplorable

    I am old enough to remember a time, and a distant place, in which candidates for local offices printed brochures stressing their long roots in the community, certified public accountant, happy family, and things like that.

    Then, in the mid-1970s, candidates would be subjected to aggressive smears, from both extremes, depending on their views regarding abortion. The local offices had nothing to do with that, no more than the Harbormaster has to do with student housing. But the partisans were afraid that local officeholders would use that as a springboard to greater state or federal offices, where they might set abortion policies or ratify judges. Thus, inherently nonpartisan offices became infected with hot-button advocacy. We see the fruits of that trend here and now, with the number of hot-button issues multiplied.

  8. Where’s Dave? No comments from him over the last couple of weeks. Sure hope he didn’t become collateral damage to the new rules here, or worse yet that he was put off by a snarky comment from someone named Mark. Dave offers valued insights into the dark side of SC. I appreciate his sincerity and good heart and hope he comes back.

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