The Weekly Dump 1.24.20

Capitola Teenager Kidnapped and Sexually Assaulted in San Jose

In a National story (for all the wrong reasons yet again), San Jose Police arrested 3 men at a motel in San Jose last week after they kidnapped and sexually assaulted a 14 year old girl from Capitola. The victim was able to alert her friends using Snapchat, allowing them to pinpoint her location. They then called 911 and San Jose police responded to a motel in San Jose, where they stopped a 55 year old San Jose man leaving a motel room where the girl was located. He was arrested and booked into Santa Clara County Jail on felony charges of kidnapping to commit rape, digital penetration of a child under 14 years with force, false imprisonment, lewd act with a child 14 or 15 years with force and rape by intoxication or controlled substance. He is being held without bail at the Main Jail in San Jose, according to online jail records. The man allegedly met the girl in Capitola earlier in the day and gave her drugs that incapacitated her. He then called two other men from Fremont for assistance. The three men placed the girl in their vehicle against her will where one of them sexually assaulted her before they drove to the motel in San Jose. The suspects carried the girl into a second floor motel room where the same man again sexually assaulted her, according to police. The two men from Fremont were arrested and booked into Santa Clara County Jail on felony charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.

Pacifica Pair Busted For Guns and Robbery Near Downtown

Tuesday morning around 1AM, SCPD was patrolling near the Mike Fox skate park on San Lorenzo Boulevard when they witnessed three people arguing before hearing a gunshot and stopping to investigate. Apparently nobody was injured by the gunshot. One person left the scene and two others stayed behind. They learned a Santa Cruz man who remained at the scene was the victim of an attempted robbery. At the scene, investigators found a loaded unregistered gun, a large amount of marijuana, unregistered gun components and large-capacity rifle and pistol magazines in a nearby vehicle. The other man who stayed at the scene was a Pacifica man, who was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana for sales, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance. He was booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail.

Officers later found the other man who fled, also from Pacifica, who was arrested and charged with attempted robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of marijuana for sales, possession of large-capacity magazines and being a felon in possession of a gun. He was also booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail.

From less than a month ago. Same guy! Is anyone really surprised he’d come to Santa Cruz?

Domestic Dispute Leads to Child Abduction Near Santa Cruz Boardwalk

Friday morning around 5AM, SCPD responded to a domestic violence call from a location on Front and Second Streets. When they arrived, they found a woman who was reportedly stabbed in the thigh who said her one year old child had been kidnapped by the father. SCPD was joined by deputies from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s department and CHP, who locked down the nearby area and began a yard by yard search for the suspect in the surrounding neighborhood. Dogs tracked the suspect to a nearby apartment where police surrounded him. He eventually gave up peacefully and gave the child to a grandmother at the scene. He was charged with kidnapping, child endangerment and domestic violence among other things. the child’s mothe rwas taken to a Salinas hospital for her injuries.

Turnstiler of the Week

Last Friday night around 11:30PM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of Locust Street in downtown Santa Cruz where they arrested a 26 year old frequent flyer on the county shuffle. He was booked on a laundry list of charges, including possession of tear gas by a felon, drug possession, possession of a fake firearm, trespassing, and of course, violation of his probation. Let’s send him through the system one more time. He’s only been arrested 17 times since 2014. It’s easier to coddle than it is to actually fix something broken.

Would You Like a Knife With Your Breakfast?

Saturday morning around 10:30AM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of Franklin Street where they arrested a 33 year old transient woman for trespassing and brandishing a weapon, probably at the person whose property she was trespassing on. Did they arrest her? Are you kidding me? That would make too much sense. Nah. They gave her a ticket and left.

At Least He Picked a Place With a Nice View

Sunday afternoon around 2PM, SCPD responded to a residence at West Cliff Drive and Santa Cruz Avenue where some bum was apparently squatting. He was arrested and charged with illegal lodging in a residence and resisting arrest. You know, it would be pretty easy for a local bum to go to the library, check out local AirBnB listings online, make a map, and know all the good vacation rentals slash possible squatting options which might be potentially vacant. Just saying. This guy only has just the one mugshot from this. Must be new to town.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Monday night around 8:30PM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of Cooper Street in downtown Santa Cruz for a report of someone threatening to beat people up. When they arrived they found a 44 year old bum transient who met the description and arrested him for making threats, resisting arrest, and of course, the standard, violation of his probation. Probation! The gift that keeps on giving us bums like this guy. He’s been arrested locally 24 times since 2014. He’s been arrested 4 times in the past month. He is literally the “weekly dump”.

When it Rains it Pours

More gifts from the Santa Cruz County Jail, the District Attorney’s office, and County Probation! Tuesday morning around 9AM, deputies from the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s office responded to the area near Graham Hill and Mt. Hermon roads where they arrested a 35 year old male transient recidivist YET AGAIN for trespassing and drug possession. And of course a probation violation, where they were supposed to revoke and arrest him. Guess what? He’s out of jail already. No bail. The county jail gave him a get out of jail free (“PTA”) card. He’s been arrested 43 times locally since 2013. FOURTY THREEE TIMES! Seriously. Why bother with this guy? What’s his secret to staying out of jail? Getting drunk and disorderly in Santa Cruz. That’s his not so “secret” strategy.

SCPD Sponsors March For MLK Downtown

Last Monday morning, SCPD and the local chapter of the NAACP co-sponsored a march and parade down Pacific Avenue to honor and celebrate the life of the late civil rights leader. Of course, this IS Santa Cruz, so any kind of big public event downtown brings out every tin foil hat wearing kook and their list of grievances. Staying linear and on topic just isn’t in our collective vocabulary here. And of course, it wouldn’t be Santa Cruz without Bad Mom and her bullhorn and cast of misfit friends yelling at anyone in shouting with a bullhorn distance. No respect. Same with McMuffin. No respect. I thought of going down there but you’ve been to one of these things, you’ve been to all of them.


The latest Form 460 numbers are out. It looks like the dubious group wanting people to vote no on the recalls have raised about $12K and spent about $4K so far. They also paid Micah Posner $255 for something unspecified. Was he breaking into Santa Cruz United headquarters with local kooks he hired? Slush fund? Inquiring minds want to know!

The Weekly Seen

Directly across from the SCPD main station. Is that a children’s playground behind that bum tent? Why yes it is! A city owned playground.

Weekly Shoutouts and Thanks!

A weekly shoutout and thanks to my friends Damon and Sharon for their recent appointments to the Santa Cruz County Syringe Services Program Advisory Commission. Damon was appointed by Ryan Coonerty and Sharon was appointed by Bruce McPherson. Well done!

Support the Recall Effort!

The recall effort was successful at getting to the ballot but the real work has begun to see this effort to the finish line. Please consider a donation to Santa Cruz United, the group that worked to organize the recall effort. I support their efforts as a group, and I pledge to provide my services pro bono to the recall effort. If we all step up, we will finish this effort successfully and bring function back to a completely dysfunctional city hall. Thanks!

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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  1. I wonder if candidates Lane and Golders will be able to do anything about the turnstilers and farce that is probation if elected. I doubt it.

  2. that poor girl… im gonna throw up. i know men and women have very different temperaments… and im glad women dont go out and riot everytime an attack like this happens….. (we see many angry demonstrations in this country when the issue is a racial attack)

    but to have to listen to the alt left screaming on so many issues non stop… and then watch them enable rape culture like this… it makes me want to disengage from all of it. that was the reason i didnt go to the parade. cant listen to the local politics 24/7. not in this city.

    the brain doesnt even finish maturing until age 26. kids are fragile and need to be protected. california is getting so disgusting. if mental health is such a big issue maybe we should protect kids so they dont end up traumatised in the most horrific way possible.

  3. I suppose the hope is they will help implement policies that don’t cater, enable and welcome the lifestyle homeless that come here in hordes. Look around at our river, beaches and streets to see the aftermath of enabling and not enforcing laws. We can implement policies to be less tolerant within the confines of the law. Krohn and Glover will never champion the rights of the greater community. They cater to their minions who offer nothing but want to take everything to create their homeless Mecca. If we build it they will come.

  4. I read this column every week and continue to be amazed that criminals suffer no consequences in Santa Cruz, roaming our streets on stolen bikes, breaking into cars, shoplifting, camping and relieving themselves wherever they choose. My son lives off Ocean St. and has had his car broken into multiple times, has had to chase junkies out of the area in back of his apartment building where they were shooting up, defecating and in one case taking a bath using a garden hose. Meanwhile, yesterday we saw Chief Mills walking around downtown glad-handing people while strutting around like nothing’s wrong. What would it take for the city to fire him? How many more crimes have to be committed before people realize that HE is the reason that our homeless situation spiraled out of control with his “hands-off-the-homeless policy?
    As far as the whole probation debacle the problem is that because we’ve allowed Santa Cruz to become the Wild West there are lots of people committing crimes with the knowledge that they won’t be jailed. Why? Because the city and county are too incompetent to realize that the population of criminals that they’ve carefully coddled is larger than our jails can hold. So, everyone gets released and then fails to show up for their trial. Since this is Santa Cruz you could never get the public to pay for a new jail – we have no money left after spending it on the homeless, building housing for illegals and failed social programs – so why not establish a tent jail? Cheaper than a building and if the homeless knew that they’d be kept off the streets and away from the meth/heroin/crack that they dearly love they might think twice about acting up.

  5. Perhaps the Krohn and Glover lovers gave Posner $255 so he could buy more mason jars for the tenant in his illegal rental unit to have something to piss into in the middle of the night:

  6. I took my son to Cowell’s beach last Saturday. Found two syringes with the needles broken off in the sand where he was digging. Chased a meth/heroin using dad out of my parking lot for the fourth or fifth time. Found a syringe on the trail in Pogonip this morning. Caught a young woman pooping at the back door of my shop this morning. Got to her in time to have her clean it up. What a week!

  7. Changing City Council Members is like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. What’s needed, as I’ve said for some time, is a direct assault on a judicial system that allows the turnstilers to continue being out on the streets. Ben for the third week in a row can you please tell me how I can find out who your turnstiler of the week is? So I can find out who their judge, DA and probation officer is that was responsible for their release?

    • BraapheadReborn

      If you don’t attack the judicial system in the Narrative-approved fashion du-jour, they’ll just call you a White Supremacist. No, it won’t matter if you aren’t even of caucasian decent; that’s how much linguistic capture has successfully neutered criticism of the regime.

      We move forward when we refuse to accept the identity-based solidification of contemporary political discourse. This has to come from liberals and progressives as conservatives (aka “conservative liberals”) are already considered unpersons.

  8. How can anyone especially City Council/Leaders not see what’s wrong with this town.DO THEY SPEND ANYTIME HERE ?!?! As I’m writing this I’m hearing hooting and hollering and whistles. Any other town if you hear a person or a group of people yelling and making noises at 4am someone would call the police. But not in this town not that people don’t call the police it’s just nothing gets done and the opposite thing happens-hand off the homeless-freedom sleepers ect. Where’s the freakn support and organizations and hand outs for Regular Folk!? business owners, TEENAGERS!!!

    These drug addicted criminals are everywhere obviously doing crimes and sometimes getting arrested oh AND THERE ON DRUGS HAVE DRUGS ON THEM AND BUY DRUGS ALL THE TIME ITS ALL THEY DO!!!!!!!!!! and to make thinks a megaton worse we decriminalized hard drugs probably going to legalize magic mushrooms allow them to sleep wherever they can. THERES OBVIOUSLY NO BATHROOMS FOR THEM TO USE SO YOU GOT WHO KNOWS HOW MANY “PEOPLE “ relive themselves anywhere they can 365 days/nights a year.

    But we “SANTA CRUZ” have to be nice to them give them money when they ask or demand it give them food when they ask/demand it. Let them wander onto private property, restaurants hotels REGULAR peoples property vehicles with no real consequences. Meetings from what I gather mostly happen during regular working hours so a huge group of people that REALLY need to be heard JUST CANT, so the “Drugless” homeless community can gather in mass numbers compared to the opposition.

    There must be money motivation at work. I think and I’ve said it before hence the reason some of use call it Welfare Mom SC. Same way the typical welfare parents get X amount of money per child I believe SC is doing the same thing at a larger scale to get MONEY AND RECOGNITION. But what’s it all for IF SC is supposed to be this GREAT PLACE TO LIVE OR VISIT. Why isn’t it kept SAFE AND CLEAN.

    OH I just got a lit cigarette flicked in my face for telling one of our lovely street residence to leave private property I’m paid to Gaurd. After he said what he does to my mom in bed and of course giving me more then a few threats of violence and a few death threats he flicked a lit cigarette butt he got off the ground as I approached him. I’ll see if the video is any good. PD May handle them with kid gloves but I’m alone on the street with these scum I got to do what I got to do to go home after my dam shift. So I give them what they give to me…. and they don’t like it they are always telling me what I can or can’t do they threaten me with violence and death and then in the same breath say there going to report ME FOR HARASSMENT. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these scum actually win in court- if they show up or even follow thru with legal end of it. I’m all for basic human rights and needs but drugs and actions with no consequences shouldn’t be considered basic human rights and if someone does a crime or something deemed an arrest-able offense, well then they should be punished accordingly. Right?

    A new Gaurd company in town that has a crew of 4 that come down town SC on separate shifts only 3 times a night and they are trying to get there bosses to allow them to carry pepper spray But just for when they come to SC these guards have patrols in Salinas Watsonville Scotts Valley and Monterey and they only need/want to carry the spray for the few minutes they have to get out of there vehicles here in SC. Mainly because “the homeless are so mean and crazy” and of course they mention some that are “goofy/nice” and seem to cooperate. But there all learning fast that’s it changes all the time and there already learning the mood swings these “people “ have there nice then BOOM! They snap. Or there mean and violent then they change and become nice or “weird”-start the “santa Cruz mumble talk” as I call it.

    It’s not until your forced to be around downtown for longer then you should/want be that you’ll see how it really is 8 hours a night for just over 6 months and wowzerz it’s beyond disgusting here in downtown SC to say the least. Ben must chug a bottle of pepto when he rights the Weekly Dump every week.

    PEPPER GEL PEPPER GEL. they sell it at Big 5 Ruger brand it’s only 17$ or less everyone that’s going to be in Santa Cruz for any amount of time should just keep it in there hands until your safety back in your vehicle heading out. Maybe if that girl had even the cheap key chain pepper spray maybe she would have gotten away. To many dangerous drug addicted men in that are capable of assaulting people especially women. Tasers don’t always work and you got to be close to your attacker(s). Great Titanic reference btw. I’m getting views I hope it opens eyes!!

    • yeah people need to buy the good brand. sabre is good. if u buy the cheap stuff it just puffs out a quick cloud of pepper and doesnt even have any aim. the good brands work for like 15 uses or something. they recommend to test them on the ground before u need them. it should be a law that security guards have pepper spray. that should be some kind of osha requirement to give u guys some way to protect urselves.

      it would be nice if judges or politicians would course correct. like say “due to a large increase in community feedback, and further analysis of the crisis at hand, we have decided to respond in a different way.” like admit this has nothing to do with economics or capitalism, this is a drug and crime spree. the mild mediterranean climate enables guys to live outdoors and then the govt is enabling them to be drug addicts and career criminals.

      it would be nice if the govt just said oh we dont have money for this. thats what they do to education. can we go back to the days when the worst form of torture out there was the school bands? mediocre classical music on cheap band instruments? who knew how good we had it in the 90s.

  9. Isn’t CA prop 47 at least partly to blame? I wish someone would work toward recalling that.

    • Prop 47 (and 57) isn’t just partly to blame, it’s hugely to blame. The California Criminal Sentencing, Parole, and DNA Collection Initiative is on the ballot in California as an initiated state statute on November 3, 2020. Keep California Safe is leading the campaign in support of the ballot initiative. Just google any of those key words to find out more.

  10. Any night of the week in Santa Cruz 0-33 is my YouTube channel I’m getting views. I hope it helps open eyes. I hope.

  11. Any night of the week in Santa Cruz is the YouTube tittle names I have over 30 vids

  12. McAffee web adviser says this site is potentially dangerous. Oh well, I guess that means you made the big time in the surveillance state!

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