The Weekly Dump 9.24.21

The Pacific Ocean Claims Another Victim Near Davenport

Last Monday night around 6PM, Santa Cruz Fire and medics responded to the Laguna Beach area off of Highway 1 north of Santa Cruz after getting reports of a need for a water rescue. What started out as two teenagers playing in the water resulted in a water rescue attempt for at least one of the kids who apparently was swept away. Cal Fire, State Parks, Santa Cruz Fire, city of Santa Cruz lifeguards, Harbor Patrol, helicopters, drones, CHP, and the Coast Guard were all part of the huge presence involved in the search and rescue.

Drive By Shooting Next to the Boardwalk

Saturday night around 10:30PM, SCPD responded to the 400 block of Beach Street at Riverside and Cliff in front of the Boardwalk for reports of gunshots fired from a vehicle. Witnesses described at least 6 shots were fired from a silver vehicle. They got a partial plate on the suspect’s car, and they found a van with a window shot out and obvious bullet holes and found 7 shell casings in the street at Raymond and Leibrandt. Two suspects were seen leaving the scene on surveillance video.

Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting

Saturday night around 8PM, SCPD responded to the Beach Hut Deli at Ocean and Soquel after getting reports of a woman who threw a syringe at customers and was last seen walking through the strip mall into Lloyd’s Liquors. SCPD arrived and found her in front of the liquor store. She resisted arrest and began fighting with police before they finally got her detained in handcuffs. She also gave police false ID. She had a pending outstanding warrant for a previous assault with a deadly weapon. Back in July of 2013, she had the dubious honor of being one of Santa Cruz’s “most wanted” criminals by the Sheriff’s department. Back then she was wanted for burglary, possession of a controlled substance and resisting arrest. She failed to appear in court and three no-bail warrants had been issued for her arrest at the time. And here she is 8 years later still being a pain in the fucking ass to the community.

Surfers Rescue Woman and Kids Who Drove Over Cliff

A woman and two children were rescued Friday morning by two surfers after a car drove into the Monterey Bay. It happened just before 8:30AM at Sunny Cove Drive and East Cliff Drive. The vehicle accelerated through a guardrail and took out a nearby bench before driving over a cliff into the water and getting wedged inside a cave. The surfers first rescued the two kids on their surfboards and brought them safely to shore before returning for the female driver, who was injured in the crash. The woman was airlifted to a trauma center and the children only sustained minor injuries. The Sheriff’s Office later determined the female driver intentionally drove her vehicle into the ocean. She was charged with attempted murder and child endangerment. As far as I know, the vehicle is still stuck in the cave.

Stalker Arrested With Assault Rifle

Last Saturday morning around 9:30AM, deputies from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s department responded to the 100 block of Summit Avenue where they arrested a 35 year old male from San Jose and charged him with felony stalking, possession of an assault weapon with a high capacity magazine, and possession of a sawed off shotgun. Just the kind of guy you want stalking you. He’s currently on a no bail hold and his bail was set at $250K.

Making the Baby Jesus Cry

Monday morning around 2AM, SCPD responded to the 500 block of Riverside Avenue to the Torchlite motel after a passerby witnessed and reported seeing a male and female beating each other up on the deck while a baby was heard crying inside the room. The female was arrested for felony domestic violence after busting up the guy’s nose and face bad enough to require medical attention. She’s no longer in jail.


Monday morning around 2AM, SCPD responded to the 700 block of Water Street after getting reports that someone was breaking into a storage pod in front of an address. One male suspect broke open the pod and had a friend in a Volvo SUV pull up and together they loaded up their stolen booty into his vehicle. SCPD rolled up on the pair while they were loading. Neither suspect is currently in jail. I’m not even sure they were arrested because they didn’t show up in the arrest log.

Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends

Sunday afternoon around 3:30PM, SCPD responded to Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz after getting reports of a woman hit in the face with a skateboard in front of Betty Burger. Two women were apparently brawling on Pacific Avenue while two guys were trying to break it up. One of the women claimed a skateboard was stolen. SCPD caught up to the suspect and her dog near Cathcart and Pacific. The charge ended up being battery instead of assault with a deadly weapon, and both women wanted to press charges against each other. Neither woman was actually arrested according to the arrest log.

Zooming in on the Santa Cruz City Council

The Santa Cruz city council met this week and big on their agenda was a discussion on what to do about all the RVs that seem to have flocked to Santa Cruz to take advantage of the local homeless gravy train of free stuff and idiot compassion. Anyone who’s been out to Natural Bridges or the area of Shaffer Road knows exactly what I’m talking about. The current city council is trying to rein this in, but of course local progressives are all upset about regulating any kid of behavior as it pertains to the homeless. So what happened? The usual. Not much. A bunch of talk and no action. They basically agreed to punt, pass, and kick this down the road yet again, and apparently they will resume the discussion at their October 26th meeting. They claim they need more time to incorporate public comment into the ordinance and to begin work on potentially building a city-sanctioned vehicle overnight parking program. Can you feel my eyes roll through the computer screen?

They discussed a subcommittee to explore a parking program, “should one be established as part of or outside any future ordinance.” I’d call that a punt. Justin Cummings said he felt the ordinance needed reworking. Of course he did. He also raised concerns that the ordinance would be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. Cummings and Brown urged them to take their time reworking the law and not to rush back for a vote on the proposed ordinance. “Don’t do anything!” say Cummings and Brown. Yeah, that’s working great for us now. Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson said the original ordinance had been in the works for years by various council members and correctly pointed out that it was out of the scope of the city to provide health and human services that the county ius actually responsible for and has funding for.

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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  1. Our more moderate city council is mired in paralysis. When it does act, it passes ordinances that will never go into effect (because they’re written that way), as if the image of all that staff work and council deliberation will somehow make the public feel better. It’s smoke and mirrors, folks. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz gets dirtier (as in, this town is filthy) and more dangerous. What a sad state of affairs.

    • Meanwhile, about a mile from where many of those vans are parked, houses are going for $800,000 to $1,200,000. The lower end are fixer-uppers, I suppose. Bulldozer bait.

    • I wonder sometimes if we’ll ever get a viable plan for these homeless people. In my look @ other news websites the problem is the same. Look or or (Seattle). None of these places can figure out what to do. City counsels say do this, do that; and nothing works. I’ve talked to people who’ve decided to be homeless because the benefits are enough to keep them going, and it’s free. How can you fight that?

  2. I watched the pathetic council meeting. Why are we held hostage by a handful of people against all measures to give relief to people on the west side that have had to deal with this disgusting and growing situation for years.? Of course the two progressives stalled until they could garner more student support as more will be here and to allow for the Berkeley transient mobile campground to be established and set a precedence. Over 400 people responded against allowing people to continue squatting out there in their trash and hoarder’s possessions and leaking vehicles and dumping human waste while less than 50 wanted them to stay and provide more help and spend your money. And many don’t even live in the city. Of course now we will have both San Lorenzo Park pigsty campground AND the Delaware area pigsty mobile park to deal with over the winter. Where is any kind of sanity and responsibilty in this action.
    And I am so sorry to the family and friends of the missing young man. People, please be careful around the ocean.

  3. Sh*# let’s just face it SC will never get better only worse to the point the drug addicts and criminals will start driving away businesses and people at even more of a faster rate then we see today. There would have to be a huge Citizenship Uprising/all out WAR right on the streets on drug addicts cause that’s all that is on the streets of Santa Cruz every dam day for years until SC is more like Watsonville or Aptos or Los Gatos or Scotts Valley or Capitola or Pajaro or Sea Cliff basically any neighboring places that are not run by those who run SC because the City Counsel and the mayor and police chief have already established who they are really on the side of. And I’d bet my life savings none of them would walk alone thru one of the so called homeless camps at 3am and stay there for an entire hour they know there not safe places and are simply places for criminals and drug addicts to do and sell drugs. there are no real homeless that are trying to get back on there feet in SC it’s 90% grown men and really not that many. you don’t see family’s on The streets begging for things a real homeless person would beg for like a JOB or a place to live, food to eat. And these so called Homeless Camps if they were real homeless camps would have social workers helping out there busses taking people to and from WORK busses taking kids to and from School. Restrooms and showers would be provided also real meals and general medical assistance. Im sure there are real down and out homeless people in SC but you’d never recognize a true homeless person unless you had inside info on them cause real homeless person are always going to try to keep themselves presentable and approachable and SOBER in hopes to find some more work hopefully steady work to get themselves off of the streets. I don’t have to go into detail about what types of people are really in those HOMELESS CAMPS and living out of vehicles Ben does a great job doing that for us. I’m also going to put some blame on certain citizens one great example is a person who commented a while back about seeing some addicts messing with a gun then moment’s later hearing a gun shot go off and didn’t bother to call the police I mean he admitted to seeing the people messing with a gun so obviously they’d be able to give a good description of the people. And that same person has the nerve to read this blog and comment about it. I think there are way to many so called regular people that probably like sc to be overridden with criminals and drug addicts so what little things they do like drink and drive all the time run red lights, speed and who knows what else will just go unnoticed. So I’m all honesty I don’t feel sorry for those who Live in SC who have businesses in SC. And I have a real hatred for those who like to party in SC and walk around SC and brag about living in SC. Bens been doing this blog almost 6 Fu%#£N years and only a vert few even comment and even less comment directly on the main problem with SC they want to talk about housing and about or property tax. You’d think by now Ben would have Thousands of people commenting and even meeting together-well not since COVID crap. No to many really don’t care and only complain if there inconvenienced with petty things well petty compared to the real problems. By now “bens” community could be stronger then the Drug addict community even though the victimize each other daily they have the city council the mayor and police chief in THERE side somehow. I grew up and still live in SC county I actively patrol my small area and I’m known for this I carry a axe handle and chain and other make shift weapons in my vehicles to insure my safety that are legal to have in my vehicle yet there are people in sc that keep getting caught with actual firearms over and over again but I still get looked at sideways by some police when I have to call them because I try to keep my area drug addict free. So imo SC doesn’t care enough to change SC

  4. Just the Facts

    It’s not that the long term residents don’t care. We are just overwhelmed and under-represented. The people we have elected. hired, and entrusted to do the job of cleaning up this sh*tfest aren’t doing it. When you have a ineffective police chief, sheriff, city council, and county board of supervisors this is what you get. How many times have the “organized” camps failed? How many times do our municipal workers and police have do deal with the same people and drug camps over and over again? How long has the RV problem been a problem? Enforce the laws we have already on the books. 72 hour street parking. No littering. No sewage dumping. No dealing hard drugs. If our “leaders” aren’t doing the job fire them or vote them out. Pitch-fork and torch time!

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