The Weekly Dump 11.19.21

COVID-19 Outbreak Hits Santa Cruz County Main Jail

Last week, it was announced that a COVID-19 outbreak has spread through the Santa Cruz County Main Jail. According to a county sheriff’s office report, 12 inmates tested positive with rapid tests and are under quarantine protocol. An additional, 35 to 40 inmates were exposed and are under quarantine protocol. So much for that “Emergency Bail Release” keeping the jail free of COVID. If it’s not working as intended, it’s time to end it.

Local Judge Allows Violent Serial Rapist to Live in Bonny Doon

Judge Syda Cogliati ruled on Monday that a man convicted for kidnap and rape can live in Bonny Doon, after seemingly everyone else was against the idea. The 69 year old released rapist was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the 1980 kidnap and rape of a 21 year old woman. A year later, he escaped from a probation violation proceeding in Contra Costa County and raped a 15 year old girl. In October, the Santa Cruz County Office of Education trustees voted 7-0 to join the Bonny Doon School District with a resolution saying it is “grossly inappropriate” and an “unacceptably dangerous” setting for the release. The judge ordered the release of the rapist felon to Bonny Doon but also issued a stay of proceedings, which will temporarily prevent him from moving into the neighborhood and will allow the Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office to file an appeal with the Sixth District Court of Appeal. Well this not going to end well. The folks living up there aren’t going to tolerate this. If he ever moves up there, his life is going to be a living hell. Let him move next door to Judge Cogliati.

Early Morning Stabbing on Pacific Avenue

Saturday morning around 4AM, SCPD responded to the 1200 block of Pacific Avenue after getting a call from someone who reported they were just stabbed in front of Forever 21. Fire and medics responded with police. When they arrived, they found a victim who was stabbed in the back near his kidneys. As far as I know, nobody was arrested. The victim was taken to a local hospital for their injuries.

Woman Punched in the Head on Riverside

Last Friday around 8:30PM, SCPD responded to the Hotel Solares on the 600 block of Riverside for a report of an assault. The suspect was last seen walking down Barson, after assaulting and threatening a woman while yelling something at her about her dog. Nobody was arrested. Walk your dog in Santa Cruz get punched in the head by a random transient. Sounds about right.

What a Lucky Man He Was

Last Tuesday, deputies from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s department responded to the area of Thurber Lane and Soquel Drive after getting reports about a man with a gun, who witnesses said appeared to be pointing it at people passing by. Deputies received additional information from dispatch that someone overheard the man saying he wanted to “shoot up the FBI and police.” When deputies arrived, they located a man matching the description near a business, and after the man refused to listen to commands, he began walking towards deputies telling them to shoot him. Deputies used a non lethal device to detain him without killing him and took him into custody without further incident or injury. After his arrest, they located a lighter shaped like a handgun, which is believed to be the object he was pointing. Literally a hair trigger away from being shot to death. Fuck your suicide by cop bullshit. Their jobs are hard enough without some asshole wanting to get shot by police.

Picking Up Santa Clara’s Trash

Wednesday morning around 1AM, SCPD ran a temporary plate on a vehicle parked on the 100 block of Dakota Avenue (Bumlorenzo Park) and the plate came back stolen out of San Jose. Multiple units responded and they arrested the driver at gunpoint. The 29 year old male driver was arrested and charged with car theft, possession of burglary tools, possession of stolen property, and he had 5 outstanding warrants out of Santa Clara (who said they wouldn’t pick him up and why would they if he’s over here causing trouble?). His bail was increased to $100K and last check he’s still in our jail.

Where the Stolen Cars Live

Wednesday morning around 11AM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of Dakota (Bumlorenzo Park) fo a report of a car that was stolen out of Fresno parked nearby. They followed the vehicle to the 1000 block of River Street where they found the car and stopped the driver near the Tannery. They eventually arrested the driver and charged him with car theft, drug possession, ID theft, and felony parole violation. if you find your car has been stolen locally, there seems to be a good chance it’s parked on the 100 block of Dakota Avenue.

Here We Go Round in Circles

Tuesday morning around 2:30AM, SCPD responded to the 500 block of Wilkes Circle for a report of a male who was trespassing and refusing to leave while causing a ruckus on the westside. He was familiar to police. When SCPD rolled up, he was hanging out on someone’s front porch. He was arrested and charged with trespassing and refusing to leave, drug possession, and felony probation violation. County probation! The number one public safety hazard in Santa Cruz.

Brawling Behind the Catalyst

Last Tuesday around 8:30PM, SCPD responded to the area near Elm Street and Pacific Avenue after getting reports of a group brawling. Witnesses reported seeing about 10 males jump someone in the back parking lot of the Catalyst, and said one male might have been knocked out. After arriving, they determined that two males were apparently jumped by a group of other males. The victims were uncooperative and didn’t want to press any charges. I don’t think anyone was actually arrested.

Busting Down Doors For Tchotchkes

Last Monday, SCPD responded to one of the gift shops located on the Santa Cruz Wharf after getting an alarm call that one of the front windows was broken. When SCPD arrived, they found the glass on the front door busted out but the thieves were long gone. Nobody was arrested but the business owner had to come out at 4AM and deal with some asshole felony vandalizing his business. You’d think the businesses on the wharf would be pretty safe but nope! And who wants to steal the tourist junk form the wharf gift shops? Some local junkie looking for a quick fix.

Ax Man

Saturday afternoon around 4PM, SCPD responded to the area of Shaffer Road after getting reports about a male swinging an ax around before disappearing into some bushes. Probably just a “resident” of Skid Row in search of firewood but they still responded. He’s the ax man. Yeah the ax man. Around the same time, there was an accident near Highway 9 and Encinal after a car hit a motorcyclist so they gave that more priority than ax man.

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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Be sure to check out and follow our Twitter feed for even more mierda! Even though the Dump only comes your way once a week, I try to post breaking news and updates on other days as well. So check us out and follow us on Twitter for even more updates about real time news in Santa Cruz you might not otherwise hear about.

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  1. “Probation violation”. Is that the new “Get out of jail free” card? I’m wondering when the current Bay Area smash-and-grab mobs will start targeting Santa Cruz.

    • MuyDeplorable

      Actually, the smash-and grab mob already hit downtown Santa Cruz. It wasn’t in the news, because all they got was a few coffees and ice cream cones.

    • I don’t think it’s worth the drive for them. I’d bet most of these flash mob thieves are from the East Bay, mainly Oakland. And SF has all the high end retailers (and a DA arguably worse than ours).

  2. Johnnybitchin

    Thanks for the news…always right on. The County needs to fill up that jail with all these criminal Scumbags regardless of Covid…thanks Ben.

  3. Hey Ben,..did you here about the attempted kidnapping in Scotts Valley? A 17 year old girl walking down Scotts Valley drive her boyfriend pulls up starts attacking her(evidently he is no ordinary boyfriend as he is accused of being involved in a shooting by the police)and try’s to drag her into his car..witnesses seeing this get the girl away from this creep then apprehended him and hold him in the middle of the road for the police,..I just thought I’d mention it because I’m proud of those people who got involved and I do pray they don’t let him out.

  4. A stabbing is basically attempted murder but in Santa Cruz it’s ok only if a “Transient” does it. I say this cause when I got a knife pulled on me by a well known “transient” and he also was throwing canned goods at me. Once it was all said and done I asked the cops if they found the knife I described on him they said “no”,”and you know all these people on that live on the streets have knifes” these scum bags are allowed to do as they please. If I was to also do as a pleased…. well… I love certain dirt Harry movies. Happy turkey day all. Look out for one another like they do in Scotts Valley CA.

  5. MuyDeplorable

    Ben: Once again, Santa Cruz (this time, the county rather than the city) gets dishonorable mention in one of the responsible conservative publications. I refer to this morning’s online National Review, which has an article discussing the county’s indoor mask mandate.

    I happen to be pro-vax and am comfortable wearing a mask in the presence of strangers or in crowds. The county’s regulation is probably OK with me, if it is backed by science or “probable science” in absence of hard facts. But the real question is whether or not science is dead, except on the front-yard signs of progressives who may not know much about science.

    My real concern is the effect on local businesses, and the steering of money to a small number of large, remote businesses. End rant.

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