The Weekly Dump 9.18.20

Murder in Depot Park

Last Sunday around 3AM, SCPD responded to the 300 block of Cedar Street near Depot Park in Santa Cruz for a report of an assault with a deadly weapon. This is a block away from the SCPD main station. When they arrived, they found an unresponsive 43 year old male near the parking lot suffering from multiple stab wounds. The man was transported to Dominican where he ultimately died of his injuries. The victim had recently moved to Santa Cruz from Colorado and police don’t know how long he’s been here. Police were given a description of a possible male suspect who fled the scene. Officers were soon able to locate a 34 year old transient male matching the description, who was later positively identified as being involved in the incident. The suspect was also in possession of incriminating evidence linking him to the crime. He was taken into custody and later booked into Santa Cruz County Jail on charges of murder. During the investigation, detectives learned that the fight between the suspect and victim was in response to a separate incident between two associated female subjects.

The Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office feels there is not enough information available at this time to proceed with murder charges. As of Friday, the suspect remains in custody at the Santa Cruz County Jail on a violation of the conditions of his probation. His bail is set at $750K. I’m sure the defense will claim self defense in a physical fight, and given this was likely just another bum fight gone bad (and deadly), there’s likely a lack of credible witnesses too. Depot Park at 3AM? Say no more. The suspect has been arrested at least 37 times locally since 2013. 37 TIMES SINCE 2013. Our sheriff, our judges, our district attorney’s office has been coddling this guy for at least 7 years and counting. This is what happens when you have a turnstile instead of a cell door.

COVID-19 Updates For Santa Cruz County

There have been 2,108 reported and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Santa Cruz County, according to the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency. 8 people have died. 1,870 people have recovered. 139 have been hospitalized in total. According to a state count, 19 people are currently hospitalized and two are in the ICU. A total of 43,623 people have tested negative.

Santa Cruz County is in the red tier of the “Blueprint for a Safer Economy” (Governor Newsom’s color scale), meaning many non-essential indoor businesses operations are closed. It is at 5.5 new COVID-19 positive cases per 100,000, and it needs to be below 4 to move up. It also has a 3.6% positivity rate, and that needs to be below 5% to move up. The county needs to meet the criteria for three weeks before moving to the red tier.

Bums With Guns Drinking Vodka at Cowells Beach

Wednesday morning, SCPD responded to Cowells beach after getting several eyewitness reports involving a man with a gun sticking out of his backpack acting strangely on the beach. After they arrived, they quickly found the suspect matching the description walking on the beach near the wharf and drinking openly from a bottle of vodka. And yes, he had a gun sticking out of his backpack. After yelling at him through a bullhorn to put down his backpack, the 30 year old Arizona man complied peacefully. SCPD arrested him for possessing an altered replica firearm and public intoxication. I’ve said it a thousand times. We get what we are willing to tolerate!

Bums Selling Guns in the Costco Parking Lot

This past Monday, someone called SCPD and reported a suspicious transaction involving a rifle in the Costco parking lot. SCPD responded and three people were detained at gunpoint. Two of them were in possession of narcotics and an altered airsoft pistol, and they had just tried to sell a loaded rifle to a felon.

Why Resist When They Won’t Keep You In Jail Anyways?

Last Saturday around 2PM, SCPD responded to the area of Mission Street and Western Drive in Santa Cruz where they arrested a 38 year old man for being drunk in public, battery on a peace officer, and resisting arrest. You think he’s still in jail? Not in our jail. He got one of those get out of jail free cards.

Rounding Up the Local Perverts

Last Friday around 5:30PM, Santa Cruz Police arrested a 31 year old Watsonville man and charged him with lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14. Last check he’s still in county jail on a $250K bond. About an hour earlier, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 39 year old Salinas man and charged him with a couple of sex crimes involving a minor. He’s being held on a no bail warrant.

If at First You Don’t Succeed

Try try again! Tuesday morning around 10AM, SCPD responded to a local business on the 600 block of River Street for a report of a man trespassing and trying to burglarize the business. The owner spotted the suspect and locked him inside a chainlink fence on the property before calling police. SCPD responded with a K9 team. The suspect complied with police commands and was arrested without further incident. The same 38 year old male was arrested at the same location a week earlier. That time, he was held on suspicion of drunk and disorderly conduct and trespassing before being released. last check on Tuesday, he was still in county jail on a $5K bond.

Typical Santa Cruz Arrest Ruffles Sensitive Progressive Feathers

Last Saturday afternoon, SCPD responded to the area near Mission Street and Western Drive after a number of witnesses reported a person running in and out of traffic, screaming at vehicles, and jumping in front of a man who was riding his bike with his daughter near the local farmers market. After police arrived, they attempted to calm the man down, as he appeared to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The man just became more agitated with police and refused to cooperate with them, so he was ultimately tased after running away from SCPD while they secured the area. Even while running away from police, the man continued to run in and out of traffic, putting himself and others in danger. He was arrested without further incident. The 38 year old male was taken into custody for being drunk and disorderly in public, battery on a police officer, and resisting arrest. He was eventually cited and released. Because that’s how we deal with people with drug and mental health problems. We run them through the county turnstile. That’s the county “treatment”.

Local Voting Information

All active registered voters in California will be mailed a ballot automatically. Make sure your registration is up to date now. Ballots will start to be mailed out by Oct 5th. To register online in California, the deadline is Oct 19. California also allows registration in person before or on Election Day. Here are official drop box locations you can return your absentee ballots.

Santa Cruz City Council Race

Martine. Shebreh. Sonja. No fourth. Write me in for the fourth! If I win I will serve.

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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13 Responses

  1. I would love to know why the victim “recently arrived from Colorado” came here, and how he got here, and why a habitual turnstiler was among his new acquaintances.

    You didn’t mention why that West Side arrest ruffled progressive feathers. But we know why!

  2. “Martine. Shebreh. Sonja. No fourth. Write me in for the fourth! If I win I will serve.”
    Did I really just read that?! Give us your legal name and I’ll write you in as soon as I have my ballot.

  3. Pretty good. A little verbose. No offense. If I may. Leave us a spreadsheet. First quadrant labeled ‘likes and dislikes’ includes ‘subjective’ on the horizontal axis and ‘objective’ on the vertical axis. This would lead to further reader content in a more concise and digital format. Thank you for your interest in this matter. Sincerely,

  4. Jesus H, Christ, it must be an endless bucket of Mierda to be a law enforcement officer in Santa Cruz. Not because of the Mierda they have to deal with, but rather because of the policies and mindset of the elected oligarchy who ultimately control the city. I laugh my ass of reading the pansy-ass complaints of liberals posting on Nextdoor, whining about everything being stolen in their neighborhoods. Earth to pansy-ass liberals: You voted for the jackasses who condone such behavior and who beckon the scum of our country to land here to get their free shit (and endless turnstiling). Pansy-ass liberals are to blame for practically everything wrong with this community.

  5. Great picture of (one of the many messes) under the bridge(s). Love to know where the local Sierra Club, Save Our Shores, and other environmental-minded folks are on this one. See that river in the background that flows directly to the ocean?The beautiful “River Walk” has turned into a raging shit-hole. Literally and figuratively. Time to take our elected officials, and appointed, to task people. This has nothing to do with helping people off the streets or Covid. This is sickening and should not be tolerated.

  6. Now it could be worse. Our electeds could set up nice clean co-co distanced tent provided tent cities like they do in Portland for ANTIFA (at least reported to be so here .
    There was police blockade on Delaware/Almar yesterday, got me what that was about.
    If you read the Mayors response to the county civil grand juries recommendations on homelessness every single answer was either “WILL NOT IMPLIMENT” (mostly), or “HAVE ALREADY IMPLIMENTED”. I take this to mean a big no surprise. The intent of the civil grand jury is to provide transparency to the public about government shortcomings. No wonder it was such a long list that now stretches to 2 meetings to answer. Of course the jury has no authority and “answering” is perfunctory unless YOU, the public, backs them up. That said, after reading all of the juries stuff it became apparent that the jury selection process is by volunteer, then screened by “diversity” unlike criminal grand juries that are randomly selected, then vetted by opposing stakeholders to be objective. Yes, this means the grand jury is LOADED with activists, community organizers, and has plenty of political bias of it’s own. Still, it serves some purpose.

  7. Item #20 on city council is parking regulations to boot “bad mom” and her RV kind from Olive st.
    She has appealed this, and that appeal will be heard. I thought you might like to see the letter I sent. There are many other good ones sent in by the public.
    9/22/20 Agenda Item #20 Approve changes to Olive St Parking
    Dear Council ,
    Has anyone not had enough of who is known as “bad mom” squatting on public property and engaging in non-stop advocacy of public space squatting? I know I have.
    There are RV squatters all over the city, my personal peeve is Garfield Park, who have no intent ever, not ever, of finding a legitimate (i.e. paid for other than by taxpayers) place to live. Many live in squalor that is inconsistent with neighborhoods they squat in.
    Do what is needed by residents (i.e. not the squatters) to effect parking regulations to return Olive st to reasonable and safe parking use.
    Next take a look at Garfield Park, Delaware, Natural Bridges and do the same (parking T’s, limited parking time). Eventually the squatters will figure it out they need to find another place to live that they have actual rights to occupy reasonably.
    CVS RV’s , CVS drug addicts behind garbage dumpsters hanging out.. need to go bye-bye,
    and the communist’s who defend them also.
    Garrett Philipp – Westside

  8. Ben, I npotice that you place a lot of stress (perhaps justified, perhaps not) on COVID-19. Pursuant to that:

    I earlier remarked that with masks, a lot of girls (women under 50) look better. Now it seems to me, that if they would all add dark glasses, it would make those “My eyes are up there” T-shirts obsolete.

    Retro, yes! Somebody’s gotta do it.

  9. There already are laws on the books prohibiting the type of squatting occurring in public places. They’re just not being enforced. None of that literal crap at Front and Laurel is justified in any manner. Individual neighborhoods like Olive St. should not have to fight to clean up their streets. This is a city-wide problem and a city-wide ordinance is needed. With enforcement. Make sure you vote. And support your Ranger program, they’ll be writing the tickets.

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